Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Super Heroes

Cleaning out my room the other day, I came across an assortment of many comics that I haven't read in a very long time. I began thinking of the 'Who could beat who in a fight' thing, but there are to many super heroes to deal with. That's why I'm here to say to Marvel Comics...and DC comics...and the other people to use your peripherals! Narrow it down to like, 5 super heroes for gods sake. its hard to keep up with Captain America bonking people on the head with his shield like clowns do with bats, Superman, changing from superman to Clark Kent, which is freakin' obvious, and Spider man having to beat up people who are trying to steal this and that. Its too much to take.

I wanna talk about the storylines now. Some plots that people come up with are kinda dumb. I was recently reading a comic where Spiderman goes to Africa (yeah, Africa) to help defeat people who are trying to take the great temple of CongoCoconut (or whatever) from the natives of the town. Holy crap. This has gone from skinny kid jumping around in a tight costume that for some reason doesn't show his bulge (mysterious) to some guy goin' through caves and doing stuff like Indiana Jones. (Hmm should I take the golden statue standing in the once piece of light coming in from this cave, after Ive gone through snakes and all kinds of crap? Yeah! What could happen)

I think The Justice League was the best thing to ever happen to comics. It kept all the main super heroes together and in one comic. This way, we only have to read one comic. But of course, once this happened people came up with rando super heroes to have plotlines even though no one has even heard of them. I was reading a Justice League comic, and suddenly the Green Lantern says "Quick drillman! dig a hole! And some weird blond haired guy with drills for hands. starts drilling a hole in the ground. Its bull crap. I'm tired.

Oh, and in case you wondering why I haven't addressed the idea that its totally unrealistic what super heroes do, its because I believe in that shit.

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