Saturday, March 15, 2008

Shovel Here, Shovel There

3:47 pm

My street appears to be cursed for random people. After the Cat Lady, there is also "Shovel Man". This man lives near me, and always shovels the exact same spot of property. Not weird at all, right? The weird thing is he shovels this spot whether there is snow in that area or not. Of course, I don't want to ask about this, or it could stir up some crap that I dont want to deal with. So as I walk out of my house once again one day, which where he was shovelin away on his lawn. He must have caught my eyes because he turned to me and said "You know I hate goddamn shovelin" I was caught off guard, but yet he kept talking. "The reason I'm out here is 'cuz I HATE my mother in law". Now, this man must be about 60-65 and he has a mother in law laying in some bed in a back room yellin' "You Asshole, go out and shovel!" He continued: "So I go out and shovel, come back in, make her tea, put a sleeping pill in it, and she passes out for a bit while I watch porn" Is anyone thinking this dude and the mother in law are screwed in the head. He drugs his mother and then watches naked girls (or what I think is naked girls) Im just afraid hes not thinking of his mother in law during. That is all. My street is fucked up. Done.

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