Thursday, March 13, 2008

My Friends Seth & Paul

10:12 pm

I'm watching the movie Knocked Up (good movie) starring Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd. And I need to say....both hilarious and great actors. Since Freaks and Geeks (Seth) and A Question Of Ethics (Paul) They have written, produced, and have been in so many awesome possum (no O in my opossum...screw it) movies and are still makin' em. I fist discovered Paul Rudd in the popular TV series FRIENDS, which I also love (I own seasons 1-8, missing 9,10, its a pass time, not a disease) and Seth Rogen I semi-noticed in Anchorman, which Paul Rudd was in, and since then I've seen a lot of both of their movies, which isn't hard because they're in a lot of the same ones. They are great actors, and I hope you agree as well. If you don't, you deserve a beat down.

P.S. according to the internet, they shall be in a movie called Monsters Vs. Aliens, thats set to be released in 2009

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