Friday, April 18, 2008

Freakin' Summer

And so the heat has come, and I like it. 

My only problem is that where was spring? For me it went Winter then rain and then Summer! But where did all the new grass, and sprouting flowers come up? Did they just wake up from a 4 month catnap and pop up? 

Because now its hot, and I don't have shorts, and I'm chafing and sweaty, it's just bad news! So now comes the early summer suffering where my pool isn't open, so I can't take a dip there, no shorts, so I'm just gonna have to wing it. By lying. From now until I am prepared for summer, I will deny it is occurring. It's not fair that summer just gets to come and go whenever she pleases. Oh yes she comes at night and says she loves you, but then she just leaves whenever, ripping out my heart and stealing my chump change off my night table.


So summer is coming to fast. I'm gonna eventually buy shorts, but by the time I'm done that it'll be Fall! If she even comes... please come? And don't steal my loonies and toonies this time?

Well, at least there's beach volleyball. Mmmmmm beach volleyball.

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